Müller also admitted that he and his friends had traveled to the other end of the country to attend a Workers' Party meeting in Litvínov, and when the meeting was over, they had marched on the Janov housing estate. When asked what went on there, ... When his attorney asked him whether he had ever participated in any events where Czechs and Roma were together, Cojocaru at first confirmed that he had also been in Litvínov when the famous ?battle of Janov? took place. ...
gh.brega. Posted December 24, 2007 at 7:00 PM. Un prim reportaj fotografic despre Revolutia Brazilor [autor Alexandru bCojocaru/b] http://picasaweb.google.com/NGDArts/RevolutiaBrazilor. Imagini video vor fi postate cat de curand posibil ...
Imnul ?Folk You? compus şi interpretat de inegalabilul Dinu Olăraşu, acest ?spiriduş? al folkului românesc cum a mai fost numit, va răsuna şi anul acesta pe malurile bMării/b Negre, demonstrând încă o dată că folkul românesc nu are cum să moară ... Titus Constantin bCojocaru/b, Alina Zaharia, Ana Maria Bordean, Cătălina Beţa, ?bobocii? care aspiră şi ei la titlul de ?veteran? şi cărora ?Folk You? le oferă acea rampă de lansare de care orice tânăr artist are atât de mulă nevoie. ...